- Animalia
- Paraneoptera
- Hemiptera
- Sternorrhyncha
- Aphidomorpha
- Aphidoidea
- Aphididae
- Calaphidinae
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919
Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919
Calaphis Walsh, 1863 type genus of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919
Nomenclature (67)
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919: 60.
type genus Calaphis Walsh, 1863
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919
type genus Calaphis Walsh, 1863
- ... Show all ... (63)
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919: 60.
type genus Calaphis Walsh, 1863
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919 (objective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919 (objective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920: 23, 32.
type genus Monaphis Walker, 1870
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Symydobii Oestlund, 1923: 134. (not Latin)
type genus Symydobius (Symydobius)
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Oestlund, 1923: 133.
- Symydobiea Oestlund, 1923 (not Latin)
type genus Symdobius [sic]
- Symydobiina Oestlund, 1923 (not Latin)
type genus Symydobius (Symydobius)
- Symydobiini Oestlund, 1923 (not Latin)
type genus Symdobius [sic]
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Baker, 1923: 273.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Gaumont, 1923: 342.
- Symydobii Oestlund, 1923 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Symydobiea Oestlund, 1923 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Symydobiina Oestlund, 1923 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Symydobiini Oestlund, 1923 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Theobald, 1926: 40, 41.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Theobald, 1927: 328, 395.
- Symydobiea Oestlund, 1923 in Börner, 1930: 128. Image or description
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Shinji, 1941: 134.
- Symydobiini Oestlund, 1923 in Börner, 1942: 273.
- Boernerininae Börner, 1944: 214. (not Latin)
type genus Boernerina Bramstedt, 1940
- Börnerininae [sic] Börner, 1944: 214. (not Latin)
type genus Börnerina [sic] Bramstedt, 1940
- Boernerininae Börner, 1944 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Börnerininae [sic] Börner, 1944 (incorrect original spelling of Boernerininae Börner, 1944)
- Börnerininae [sic] Börner, 1944 (incorrect original spelling of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Crypturaphidina Börner, 1949 (not Latin)
type genus Crypturaphis
- Symydobiina Oestlund, 1923 in Börner, 1949: 47.
- Crypturaphidinae Börner, 1949: 47. (not Latin)
type genus Crypturaphis
- Crypturaphidina Börner, 1949 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Crypturaphidinae Börner, 1949 (subjective synonym of Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919)
- Crypturaphidina Börner, 1949 in Börner, 1952: 59.
- Symydobiini Oestlund, 1923 in Börner, 1952: 56.
- Crypturaphidina Börner, 1949 in Quednau, 1954: 23, 49.
- Symydobiina Oestlund, 1923 in Quednau, 1954: 21, 49.
- Crypturaphidina Börner, 1949 in Börner & Heinze, 1957: 80.
- Symydobiina Oestlund, 1923 in Börner & Heinze, 1957: 77.
- Crypturaphidina Börner, 1949 in Steffan, 1972: 345.
- Symydobiina Oestlund, 1923 in Steffan, 1972: 345.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Quednau, 1983: 60.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Melville, 1985: 341.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Melville & Smith, 1987: 8.
- Symydobii Oestlund, 1923 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Remaudière, 1997: 81.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Remaudière, 1997: 81.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Remaudière, 1997: 81.
- Boernerininae Börner, 1944 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Remaudière, 1997: 81.
- Crypturaphidinae Börner, 1949 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Remaudière, 1997: 82.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Heie & Węgierek, 2009: 267.
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919 in Heie & Węgierek, 2009: 267.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Heie & Węgierek, 2009: 267.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Heie & Węgierek, 2009: 70.
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919 in Heie & Węgierek, 2009: 70.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Heie & Węgierek, 2009: 70.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Quednau, 2010: 22.
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919 in Quednau, 2010: 23.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Quednau, 2010: 23.
- Symydobii Oestlund, 1923 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Pérez Hidalgo, 2011: 72.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Pérez Hidalgo, 2011: 52.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Pérez Hidalgo, 2011: 62.
- Boernerininae Börner, 1944 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Pérez Hidalgo, 2011: 51.
- Crypturaphidinae Börner, 1949 in Nieto Nafría, Mier Durante & Pérez Hidalgo, 2011: 54.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Podsiadlowski, 2016: 10.
- Calaphidini Oestlund, 1919 in Lee, Kanturski, Foottit, Kim & Lee, 2021: 180.
- Calaphidina Oestlund, 1919 in Lee, Kanturski, Foottit, Kim & Lee, 2021: 180.
- Monaphidina Baker, 1920 in Lee, Kanturski, Foottit, Kim & Lee, 2021: 180.
Nomenclature references (26)
- Baker, A.C. (1920) Generic classification of the hemipterous family Aphididae. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 826, 93 pp.
- Baker, A.C. (1923) Subfamily Aphidinae – Tribe Callipterini. In Bulletin of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey. Vol. 34, pp. 271–290.
- ... Show all ... (22)
- Börner, C. & Heinze, K. (1957) Aphidina - Aphidoidea Blattläuse, plantlice (aphids), pucerons (aphides). In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten von Prof. Dr. Paul Sorauer. Paul Parey, Berlin. Vol. 5, Issue 4, 402 pp.
- Börner, C. (1930) Beiträge zu einem neuen System der Blattläuse. Archiv für klassifikatorische und phylogenetische Entomologie, 1(2), 115–180.
- Börner, C. (1942) Weitere neue europäische Blattlausarten. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Übersee-Museum in Bremen, 3(3), 273–276.
- Börner, C. (1944) Aphidoidea. In Fauna von Deutschland: Ein Bestimmungsbuch unserer heimischen Tierwelt. Fifth Edition. Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg. pp. 206–220.
- Börner, C. (1949) Kleine Beiträge zur Monographie der europäischen Blattläuse. Beiträge zur taxonomischen Zoologie, 1, 44–62.
- Börner, C. (1952) Europae centralis Aphides. Die Blattläuse Mitteleuropas. Namen, Synonyme, Wirtspflanzen, Generationszyklen. In Mitteilungen der Thüringischen Botanischen Gesellschaft: Vol. supplement 3. . . Issue 1, 1–259 pp. [in German]
- Gaumont, L. (1923) Contribution à l'étude des Aphididae de France. Annales des Épiphyties (Paris), 9, 309–346.
- Heie, O.E. & Węgierek, P. (2009) A classification of the Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha) under consideration of the fossil taxa. Redia, 92, 69–77.
- Heie, O.E. & Węgierek, P. (2009) Diagnoses of the higher taxa of Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Redia, 92, 261–269.
- Lee, Y., Kanturski, M., Foottit, R.G., Kim, S. & Lee, S.-H. (2021) Molecular phylogeny and evolution of Calaphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Cladistics, 38(2), 159–186. [2022]
- Melville, R.V. & Smith, J.D.D. (1987) Official Lists and Indexes of Names and Works in Zoology, 366 pp.
- Melville, R.V. (1985) Opinion 1358. Calaphis Walsh, 1862 and Callaphis Walker, 1870 (Insecta, Hemiptera): a ruling to remove the confusion. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 42(4), 341–343.
- Nieto Nafría, J.M., Mier Durante, M.P. & Pérez Hidalgo, N. (2011) Register of family-group taxa of Aphidoidea. In J.M. Nieto Nafría & C. Favret (Eds.). Registers of Family-Group and Genus-Group Taxa of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Universidad de León, León. pp. 21–80. [in English, Spanish]
- Nieto Nafría, J.M., Mier Durante, M.P. & Remaudière, G. (1997) Les noms des taxa du groupe-famille chez les Aphididae (Hemiptera). Revue Française d’Entomologie, 19(3-4), 77–92.
- Oestlund, O.W. (1919) Contribution to knowledge of the tribes and higher groups of the family Aphididae (Homoptera). Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 17, 46–72.
- Oestlund, O.W. (1923) A synoptical key to the Aphididae of Minnesota. Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 19, 114–151. [1922]
- Podsiadlowski, L. (2016) Phylogeny of the aphids. In Biology and Ecology of Aphids. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 1–13.
- Quednau, F.W. (1954) Monographie der mitteleuropäischen Callaphididae (Zierläuse [Homoptera, Aphidina]) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ersten Jugenstadiums I. Die Junglarven des ersten Stadiums der mitteleuropäischen Callaphididae. Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Zentralanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 78, 1–52.
- Quednau, F.W. (1983) Calaphis Walsh, 1862, and Callaphis Walker, 1870 (Insecta, Hemiptera, Aphididae): Proposals to remove the confusion. Z.N.(S.) 2153. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 40(1), 60–61.
- Quednau, F.W. (2010) Atlas of the drepanosiphine aphids of the world part III: Mindarinae Tullgren, 1909; Neophyllaphidinae Takahashi, 1921; Lizeriinae E.E. Blanchard, 1923; Pterastheniinae Remaudière & Quednau, 1988; Macropodaphidinae Zachvatkin & Aizenberg, 1960; Taiwanaphidinae Quednau & Remaudière, 1994; Spicaphidinae Essig, 1953; Phyllaphidinae Herrich-Schaeffer in Koch, 1957; Israelaphidinae Ilharco, 1961; Saltusaphidinae Baker, 1920 (Hemiptera: Sternorrhycha, Aphididae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 83, 361 pp.
- Shinji, O. (1941) Monograph of Japanese Aphididae. Shinkyo Sha Shoin, Tokyo, 1215 pp.
- Steffan, A.W. (1972) Unterordnung Aphidina, Blattläuse. In Die Forstschädlinge Europas. Ein Hanbuch in fünf Bänden. Erster Band: Würmer, Schnecken, Spinnentiere, Tausendfüssler und hemimetabole Insekten. Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin. pp. 162–370.
- Theobald, F.V. (1926) The plant lice or Aphididae of Great Britain. Headley Brothers, London, Vol. 1, 372 pp.
- Theobald, F.V. (1927) The plant lice or Aphididae of Great Britain. Headley Brothers, London, Vol. 2, 411 pp.
Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
tribe | 12 | 1 | 11 |
subtribe | 1 | 0 | 1 |
genus | 56 | 18 | 38 |
subgenus | 11 | 2 | 9 |
species | 249 | 77 | 172 |
subspecies | 19 | 8 | 11 |