
Aphis gallarumulmi De Geer, 1773 type species by subsequent monotypy of Tetraneura Hartig, 1841

Nomenclature (16)

  • Tetraneura Hartig, 1841: 366.

    type species by subsequent monotypy Aphis gallarumulmi De Geer, 1773

  • Tetraneura Hartig, 1841 in Jackson, 1907: 179. Key
  • ... Show all ... (12)
  • Tetraneura Hartig, 1841 in Nieto Nafría, Favret, Akimoto, Barbagallo, Chakrabarti, Mier Durante, Miller, Qiao, Sano, Pérez Hidalgo, Stekolshchikov & Węgierek, 2011: 366.
  • Teteraneura (unavailable or invalid, linked to Tetraneura Hartig, 1841)

Nomenclature references (15)

  • Agarwala, B.K. & Ghosh, A.K. (1985) Monograph on Oriental Aphidoidea: Key to the genera and synoptic list. Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India, 16(3), 1–118. [in English]
  • Chakrabarti, S., Maity, S.P. & Bhattacharya, D.K. (1982) New and little known aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) infesting roots of Graminae in Northwest Himalaya, India. Oriental Insects, 16(1), 99–111.
  • ... Show all ... (11)
  • Eastop, V.F. & Hille Ris Lambers, D. (1976) Survey of the World’s Aphids. Dr. W. Junk, The Hague, 573 pp. [in English]
  • Eastop, V.F. (1966) A taxonomic study of Australian Aphidoidea (Homoptera). Australian Journal of Zoology, 14, 399–592.
  • Essig, E.O. (1956) Homoptera: Aphididae. Insects of Micronesia, 6(2), 15–37. [in English]
  • Hartig, T. (1841) Versuch einer Eintheilung der Pflanzenläuse (Phytophthires Burm.) nach der Flügelbildung. Zeitschrift für die Entomologie, 3, 359–376.
  • Heie, O.E. (1980) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. I. General part. The families Mindaridae, Hormaphididae, Thelaxidae, Anoeciidae, and Pemphigidae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 9, 236 pp.
  • Hille Ris Lambers, D. (1970) A study of Tetraneura Hartig, 1841 (Homoptera, Aphididae), with descriptions of a new subgenus and new species. Bollettino di Zoologia Agraria e di Bachicoltura, 9, 21–101. [1969; in English]
  • Jackson, C.F. (1907) A synopsis of the genus Pemphigus with notes on their economic importance, life history, and geographical distribution. Proceedings of the Columbus Horticultural Society, 22, 160–218.
  • Millar, I.M. (1990) The aphids (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) of South Africa, an identification guide. Entomology Memoir of the Department of Agricultural Development of the Republic of South Africa, 78, 105 pp. [in English]
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M., Favret, C., Akimoto, S.-ichi, Barbagallo, S., Chakrabarti, S., Mier Durante, M.P., Miller, G.L., Qiao, G.-X., Sano, M., Pérez Hidalgo, N., Stekolshchikov, A.V. & Węgierek, P. (2011) Register of genus-group taxa of Aphidoidea. In J.M. Nieto Nafría & C. Favret (Eds.). Registers of Family-Group and Genus-Group Taxa of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Universidad de León, León. pp. 81–404. [in English, Spanish]
  • Pike, K.S., Boydston, L.L. & Allison, D.W. (2003) Aphids of Western North America North of Mexico with Keys to Subfamilies and Genera for Female Alatae. Washington State University, Pullman, 282 pp.
  • Shinji, O. (1941) Monograph of Japanese Aphididae. Shinkyo Sha Shoin, Tokyo, 1215 pp.
  • Smith, C.F. & Parron, C.S. (1978) An annotated list of Aphididae (Homoptera) of North America. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin, 255, 428 pp.
  • Tullgren, A. (1909) Aphidologische Studien. Arkiv för Zoologi, 5(14), 1–190.

Descendants and synonyms


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