- Animalia
- Paraneoptera
- Hemiptera
- Sternorrhyncha
- Aphidomorpha
- Aphidoidea
- Aphididae
- Lachninae
- Eulachnini
- Cinara
- Cinara (Schizolachnus) Mordvilko, 1909
Cinara (Schizolachnus) Mordvilko, 1909
Aphis tomentosa De Geer, 1773 type species by original designation of Cinara (Schizolachnus) Mordvilko, 1909
Nomenclature (85)
- Pinetifex Amyot, 1847: 481.
type species by original monotypy Aphis pineti Fabricius, 1781
- Pinetifex Amyot, 1847 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909)
- ... Show all ... (81)
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909: 375. (valid)
type species by original designation Aphis tomentosa De Geer, 1773
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Wilson, 1910: 156.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 (subjective synonym of Tuberolachnus MISSING) in Wilson, 1911: 54.
- Tuberolachnus in Essig, 1912: 772.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mordvilko, 1914: 15.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919: 5.
type species by original designation Lachnus parvus Wilson, 1915
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Baker, 1920: 16.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Baker, 1920: 17.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Oestlund, 1923: 118.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Oestlund, 1923: 119.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Wilson, 1923: 257.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Wilson, 1923: 257.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Theobald, 1926: 44.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Theobald, 1926: 44.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Theobald, 1929: 161.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Nevsky, 1929: 344.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Nevsky, 1929: 344.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Börner, 1930: 125.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Börner, 1930: 125.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Takahashi, 1931: 22.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Börner & Schilder, 1931: 571.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Gillette & Palmer, 1931: 842.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Miller, 1938: 670.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Miller, 1938: 672.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Shinji, 1941: 109.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Shinji, 1941: 107.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Oestlund, 1942: 56.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Oestlund, 1942: 54.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Sampson, 1946: 373.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Börner, 1952: 40.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Börner, 1952: 40.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Pašek, 1952: 159. Key
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Palmer, 1952: 18.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Pašek, 1954: 131.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Bodenheimer & Swirski, 1957: 181.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Börner & Heinze, 1957: 50.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Hottes, 1957: 69.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 in Tao, 1961: 39.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Heinze, 1962: 150.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Szelegiewicz, 1962: 67. Key
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Pintera, 1968: 108.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Inouye, 1970: 91.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mamontova, 1972: 96.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Mamontova, 1972: 96.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Steffan, 1972: 361.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Nieto Nafría, 1974: 48.
- Pinetifex Amyot, 1847 in Eastop & Hille Ris Lambers, 1976: 354.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Eastop & Hille Ris Lambers, 1976: 389.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Eastop & Hille Ris Lambers, 1976: 389, 446.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Ivanovskaya, 1977: 157.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mier Durante, 1978: 54.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Smith & Parron, 1978: 267.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Smith & Parron, 1978: 267.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mamontova, 1980: 31.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Ghosh, 1982: 74.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Ghosh, 1982: 74.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Binazzi, 1984: 560.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Agarwala & Ghosh, 1985: 29.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Pashtshenko, 1988: 577.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Sorensen, 1990
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Tao, 1991: 86.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Tao, 1991: 86.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Foottit & Richards, 1993: 619.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Lee, Seo & Hwang, 1994: 160.
- Pinetifex Amyot, 1847 in Remaudière & Remaudière, 1997: 262.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Remaudière & Remaudière, 1997: 202.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Remaudière & Remaudière, 1997: 202.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Zhang & Chen, 1999: 43.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Zhang, Chen, Zhong & Li, 1999: 208.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Zhang, Chen, Zhong & Li, 1999: 209.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Pike, Boydston & Allison, 2003: 240.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mamontova, 2006: 75, 393.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mamontova, 2008: 62, 66, 136.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Favret, Miller, Nieto Nafría & Cortés Gabaudan, 2008: 399.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Binazzi & Scheurer, 2009: 22.
- Pinetifex Amyot, 1847 in Nieto Nafría, Favret, Akimoto, Barbagallo, Chakrabarti, Mier Durante, Miller, Qiao, Sano, Pérez Hidalgo, Stekolshchikov & Węgierek, 2011: 400.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Nieto Nafría, Favret, Akimoto, Barbagallo, Chakrabarti, Mier Durante, Miller, Qiao, Sano, Pérez Hidalgo, Stekolshchikov & Węgierek, 2011: 338.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Nieto Nafría, Favret, Akimoto, Barbagallo, Chakrabarti, Mier Durante, Miller, Qiao, Sano, Pérez Hidalgo, Stekolshchikov & Węgierek, 2011: 383.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Mamontova, 2012: 56.
- Unilachnus Wilson, 1919 (subjective synonym of Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909) in Mamontova, 2012: 56.
- Cinara (Schizolachnus) Mordvilko, 1909 in Chen, Favret, Jiang, Wang & Qiao, 2015: 568.
- Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909 in Albrecht, 2017: 33.
- Tuberolachnus (unavailable or invalid, linked to Schizolachnus Mordvilko, 1909)
Nomenclature references (61)
- Agarwala, B.K. & Ghosh, A.K. (1985) Monograph on Oriental Aphidoidea: Key to the genera and synoptic list. Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India, 16(3), 1–118. [in English]
- Albrecht, A.C. (2017) Illustrated identification guide to the Nordic aphids feeding on Conifers (Pinophyta) (Insecta, Hemiptera, Sternorhyncha, Aphidomorpha). European Journal of Taxonomy, 338, 1–160.
- ... Show all ... (57)
- Amyot, C.J.-B. (1847) Entomologie française. Rhynchotes (Suite) (1). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 5, 453–506.
- Baker, A.C. (1920) Generic classification of the hemipterous family Aphididae. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 826, 93 pp.
- Binazzi, A. & Scheurer, S. (2009) Atlas of the Honeydew Producing Conifer Aphids of Europe. Aracne editrice S.r.l., Rome, 127 pp.
- Binazzi, A. (1984) Chiave per le specie afidiche più note delle conifere in Europa. Redia, 67(appendix), 547–571.
- Bodenheimer, F.S. & Swirski, E. (1957) The Aphidoidea of the Middle East. The Weizmann Science Press of Israel, Jerusalem, 378 pp.
- Börner, C. & Heinze, K. (1957) Aphidina - Aphidoidea Blattläuse, plantlice (aphids), pucerons (aphides). In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten von Prof. Dr. Paul Sorauer. Paul Parey, Berlin. Vol. 5, Issue 4, 402 pp.
- Börner, C. & Schilder, F.A. (1931) Aphidoidea, Blattläuse. In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten Begründet von Paul Sorauer: Vol. Volume 5. Paul Parey, Berlin. Issue 2, pp. 551–715. [1932]
- Börner, C. (1930) Beiträge zu einem neuen System der Blattläuse. Archiv für klassifikatorische und phylogenetische Entomologie, 1(2), 115–180.
- Börner, C. (1952) Europae centralis Aphides. Die Blattläuse Mitteleuropas. Namen, Synonyme, Wirtspflanzen, Generationszyklen. In Mitteilungen der Thüringischen Botanischen Gesellschaft: Vol. supplement 3. . . Issue 1, 1–259 pp. [in German]
- Chen, R., Favret, C., Jiang, L., Wang, Z. & Qiao, G. (2015) An aphid lineage maintains a bark-feeding niche while switching to and diversifying on conifers. Cladistics, 32(5), 555–572. [2016; in English] https://doi.org/10.1111/cla.12141
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- Gillette, C.P. & Palmer, M.A. (1931) The Aphidae of Colorado. Part 1. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 24(4), 827–934.
- Heinze, K. (1962) Pflanzenschädliche Blattlausarten der Familien Lachnidae, Adelgidae und Phylloxeridae, eine systematische-faunistische Studie. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 9(1-2), 143–227.
- Hottes, F.C. (1957) A synopsis of the genus Essigella (Aphidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 70, 69–109. [in English]
- Inouye, M. (1970) Revision of the conifer aphid fauna of Japan (Homoptera, Lachnidae). Bulletin of the Government Forest Expereriment Station, 228, 57–102.
- Ivanovskaya, O.I. (1977) Families Adelgidae - Chaitophoridae. In Aphids of Western Siberia: Vol. Volume 1. Biological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. 272 pp.
- Lee, W., Seo, H. & Hwang, C. (1994) A taxonomic study on Lachnidae (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) of Korea. 10(2), 157–187.
- Mamontova, V.A. (1972) Aphids - Lachnids. Fauna Ukraini, 20(7), 1–228.
- Mamontova, V.A. (1980) Evolution, phylogenesis and system of plant lice of the Lachnidae (Aphidinea) family. Communication II. Vestnik Zoologii, 1980(3), 25–35.
- Mamontova, V.A. (2006) Phylogeny of the aphids of the genus Schizolachnus as well as of the subfamily Eulachninae of the family Lachnidae (Homoptera, Aphidoidea). Vestnik Zoologii, 40(5), 387–396.
- Mamontova, V.A. (2008) Evolution, phylogenesis and system of aphids of the lachnid family (Homoptera, Aphidoidea, Lachnidae). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 207 pp.
- Mamontova, V.A. (2012) In Aphid fauna of the lachnid family (Homoptera, Aphidoidea, Lachnidae) of Eastern Europe and neighboring territories. Naukova Dumka, Kiev. 390 pp.
- Mier Durante, M.P. (1978) In Estudio de la Afidofauna de la Provincia de Zamora. Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Zamora, Zamora, Spain. 226 pp.
- Miller, F.W. (1938) Generic checklist of aphids and phylloxera. The American Midland Naturalist, 19, 658–672.
- Mordvilko, A.K. (1909) Tableaux pour servir à la détermination des groupes et des genres des Aphididae Passerini. Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS, 13, 353–384. [1908]
- Mordvilko, A.K. (1914) Insectes Hémiptères (Insecta Hemiptera). I. Aphidodea. Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes fondée principalement sur les collectionnes du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd, Livraison 1, I-CLXIV, 1–236, 1–9.
- Nevsky, V.P. (1929) Aphids of Central Asia. Uzbekistan Plant Protection Experiment Station, Tashkent, Vol. 16, 424 pp.
- Nieto Nafría, J.M. (1974) In Aphidinea de la Cordillera Central y Provincia de Salamanca. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Ministerio de Agricultura, Madrid. 168 pp.
- Nieto Nafría, J.M., Favret, C., Akimoto, S.-ichi, Barbagallo, S., Chakrabarti, S., Mier Durante, M.P., Miller, G.L., Qiao, G., Sano, M., Pérez Hidalgo, N., Stekolshchikov, A.V. & Węgierek, P. (2011) Register of genus-group taxa of Aphidoidea. In J.M. Nieto Nafría & C. Favret (Eds.). Registers of Family-Group and Genus-Group Taxa of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Universidad de León, León. pp. 81–404. [in English, Spanish]
- Oestlund, O.W. (1923) A synoptical key to the Aphididae of Minnesota. Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 19, 114–151. [1922]
- Oestlund, O.W. (1942) Systema Aphididae. A Guide to the Phylogeny of the Aphids or Plant Lice. Augustana Book Concern, Rock Island, Illinois, USA, 78 pp. [in English]
- Palmer, M.A. (1952) Aphids of the Rocky Mountain region. The Thomas Say Foundation, 5, 452 pp.
- Pashtshenko, N.F. (1988) Suborder Aphidinea–Aphids. In Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the USSR. Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Far East Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vladivostok. Vol. 2, pp. 546–686.
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- Smith, C.F. & Parron, C.S. (1978) An annotated list of Aphididae (Homoptera) of North America. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin, 255, 428 pp.
- Sorensen, J.T. (1990) Taxonomic partitioning of discrete-state phylogenies: relationships of the aphid subtribes Eulachnina and Schizolachnina (Homoptera: Aphididae: Lachninae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 83(3), 394–408.
- Steffan, A.W. (1972) Unterordnung Aphidina, Blattläuse. In Die Forstschädlinge Europas. Ein Hanbuch in fünf Bänden. Erster Band: Würmer, Schnecken, Spinnentiere, Tausendfüssler und hemimetabole Insekten. Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin. pp. 162–370.
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Descendants and synonyms
Names | |||
Rank | Total | Valid | Invalid |
subgenus | 5 | 1 | 4 |
species | 38 | 8 | 30 |