
Phyllaphidinae Herrich-Schaeffer, 1857


Phyllaphis Koch, 1856 type genus of Phyllaphidinae Herrich-Schaeffer, 1857

Nomenclature (83)

  • Phyllaphiden Herrich-Schaeffer, 1854: VII. (not Latin)
  • Phyllaphiden Herrich-Schaeffer, 1854 (unavailable or invalid, linked to Phyllaphidinae Herrich-Schaeffer, 1857)
  • ... Show all ... (79)
  • Phyllaphidinae Herrich-Schaeffer, 1857 in Podsiadlowski, 2016: 10.
  • Phyllaphidini Herrich-Schaeffer, 1857 in Podsiadlowski, 2016: 8.

Nomenclature references (45)

  • Baker, A.C. (1920) Generic classification of the hemipterous family Aphididae. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 826, 93 pp.
  • Baker, A.C. (1923) Subfamily Aphidinae – Tribe Callipterini. In Bulletin of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey. Vol. 34, pp. 271–290.
  • ... Show all ... (41)
  • Becker-Migdisova, E.E. & Aizenberg, E.E. (1962) Infraorder Aphidomorpha. In Fundamentals of Paleontology. A Manual for the Paleontologists and Geologists of the USSR. Volume 9. Arthropoda: Tracheata, Chelicerata. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. pp. 194–199.
  • Becker-Migdisova, E.E. & Aizenberg, E.E. (1991) Infraorder Aphidomorpha. In Fundamentals of Paleontology. Volume 9: Arthropoda, Tracheata, Chelicerata. Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, DC. pp. 267–274.
  • Blackman, R.L. (2010) Aphids – Aphidina (Macrosiphini). 2(7), 414 pp.
  • Börner, C. & Heinze, K. (1957) Aphidina - Aphidoidea Blattläuse, plantlice (aphids), pucerons (aphides). In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten von Prof. Dr. Paul Sorauer. Paul Parey, Berlin. Vol. 5, Issue 4, 402 pp.
  • Börner, C. & Schilder, F.A. (1931) Aphidoidea, Blattläuse. In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten Begründet von Paul Sorauer: Vol. Volume 5. Paul Parey, Berlin. Issue 2, pp. 551–715. [1932]
  • Börner, C. (1952) Europae centralis Aphides. Die Blattläuse Mitteleuropas. Namen, Synonyme, Wirtspflanzen, Generationszyklen: Vol. supplement 3. Issue 1, 1–259 pp. [in German]
  • Cottier, W. (1953) Aphids of New Zealand. 106, 382 pp.
  • Eastop, V.F. & Van Emden, H.F. (1972) The insect material. In Aphid Technology. Academic Press, London. pp. 1–45.
  • Gillette, C.P. & Palmer, M.A. (1931) The Aphidae of Colorado. Part 1. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 24(4), 827–934.
  • Guyton, T.L. (1924) A taxonomic, ecologic and economic study of Ohio Aphididae. The Ohio Journal of Science, 24(1), 1–30.
  • Heie, O.E. & Węgierek, P. (2009) A classification of the Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha) under consideration of the fossil taxa. Redia, 92, 69–77.
  • Heie, O.E. & Węgierek, P. (2009) Diagnoses of the higher taxa of Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Redia, 92, 261–269.
  • Heie, O.E. (1980) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. I. General part. The families Mindaridae, Hormaphididae, Thelaxidae, Anoeciidae, and Pemphigidae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 9, 236 pp.
  • Heie, O.E. (1982) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. II. The family Drepanosiphidae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 11, 176 pp.
  • Herrich-Schaeffer, D. (1854) Vorwort des Herausgebers. In Die Pflanzenläuse Aphiden getreu nach dem Leben abgebildet und beschrieben. J.L. Lotzbeck, Nürnberg. Vol. 1, pp. III-VIII.
  • Herrich-Schaeffer, D. (1857) Vorwort des Herausgebers. In Die Pflanzenläuse Aphiden getreu nach dem Leben abgebildet und beschrieben. J.L. Lotzbeck, Nürnberg. pp. III-VIII.
  • Lampel, G. (1968) In Die Biologie des Blattlaus-Generationswechsles Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung terminologischer Aspekte. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. 264 pp.
  • Menor y Ortega, J.G. (1960) "Aphidoidea" de las Islas Canarias. 6, 237–316.
  • Mier Durante, M.P. (1978) In Estudio de la Afidofauna de la Provincia de Zamora. Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Zamora, Zamora, Spain. 226 pp.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M. & Favret, C. (2014) Update to the Registers of family-group and genus-group taxa of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 38(1-2), 1–23. [in English] Available at
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M. (1974) In Aphidinea de la Cordillera Central y Provincia de Salamanca. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Ministerio de Agricultura, Madrid. 168 pp.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M., Mier Durante, M.P. & Pérez Hidalgo, N. (2011) Register of family-group taxa of Aphidoidea. In J.M. Nieto Nafría & C. Favret (Eds.). Registers of Family-Group and Genus-Group Taxa of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Universidad de León, León. pp. 21–80. [in English, Spanish]
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M., Mier Durante, M.P. & Remaudière, G. (1997) Les noms des taxa du groupe-famille chez les Aphididae (Hemiptera). Revue Française d’Entomologie, 19(3-4), 77–92.
  • Oestlund, O.W. (1919) Contribution to knowledge of the tribes and higher groups of the family Aphididae (Homoptera). Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 17, 46–72.
  • Oestlund, O.W. (1923) A synoptical key to the Aphididae of Minnesota. Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 19, 114–151. [1922]
  • Palmer, M.A. (1952) Aphids of the Rocky Mountain region. The Thomas Say Foundation, 5, 452 pp.
  • Pašek, V. (1954) In Conifer aphids in Czechoslovakia (Homoptera - Aphidoidea). Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. 321 pp.
  • Podsiadlowski, L. (2016) Phylogeny of the aphids. In Biology and Ecology of Aphids. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 1–13.
  • Quednau, F.W. & Remaudière, G. (1994) Le genre sud-américain Neuquenaphis E. E. Blanchard, description de deux nouvelles espèces et définition de nouvelles sous-familles d'Aphididae (Homoptera). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 99(4), 365–384.
  • Quednau, F.W. (1954) Monographie der mitteleuropäischen Callaphididae (Zierläuse [Homoptera, Aphidina]) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ersten Jugenstadiums I. Die Junglarven des ersten Stadiums der mitteleuropäischen Callaphididae. Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Zentralanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 78, 1–52.
  • Quednau, F.W. (2010) Atlas of the drepanosiphine aphids of the world part III: Mindarinae Tullgren, 1909; Neophyllaphidinae Takahashi, 1921; Lizeriinae E.E. Blanchard, 1923; Pterastheniinae Remaudière & Quednau, 1988; Macropodaphidinae Zachvatkin & Aizenberg, 1960; Taiwanaphidinae Quednau & Remaudière, 1994; Spicaphidinae Essig, 1953; Phyllaphidinae Herrich-Schaeffer in Koch, 1957; Israelaphidinae Ilharco, 1961; Saltusaphidinae Baker, 1920 (Hemiptera: Sternorrhycha, Aphididae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 83, 361 pp.
  • Ripka, G. (2001) New data to the knowledge of the aphid fauna of Hungary (Homoptera: Aphidoidea). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 36(1-2), 81–87.
  • Sampson, W.W. (1946) A generic classification of California aphids by means of first instar nymphs. University of California Publications in Entomology, 7(12), 365–402.
  • Shinji, G.O. (1941) In Monograph of Japanese Aphididae. Shinkyo Sha Shoin, Tokyo. 1215 pp.
  • Steffan, A.W. (1972) Unterordnung Aphidina, Blattläuse. In Die Forstschädlinge Europas. Ein Hanbuch in fünf Bänden. Erster Band: Würmer, Schnecken, Spinnentiere, Tausendfüssler und hemimetabole Insekten. Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin. pp. 162–370.
  • Stroyan, H.L.G. (1977) Homoptera Aphidoidea (Part): Chaitophoridae & Callaphididae. 2(4(a), 130 pp.
  • Swain, A.F. (1919) A synopsis of the Aphididae of California. University of California Publications in Entomology, 3, 221 pp.
  • Takahashi, R. (1921) Aphididae of Formosa Part 1. 20, 97 pp.
  • Takahashi, R. (1931) Aphididae of Formosa Part 6. Report of the Department of Agriculture Government Research Institute Formosa, 53, 127 pp.
  • Theobald, F.V. (1926) In The plant lice or Aphididae of Great Britain. Headley Brothers, London. Vol. 1, 372 pp.
  • Theobald, F.V. (1927) In The plant lice or Aphididae of Great Britain. Headley Brothers, London. Vol. 2, 411 pp.
  • Verma, K.D. & Das, S.M. (1992) In The Aphididae of North West India (With Special Reference to Aphids of Jammu and Kashmir State). S.B. Nangia for Ashish Publishing House, New Dehli, India. 171 pp.
  • Zhang, G., Chen, X., Qiao, G. & Zhong, T. (1999) Drepanosiphidae. In Fauna of Agricultural and Forestry Aphids of Northwest, China: Insecta Homoptera Aphidinea. China Environmental Sciences Press, Beijing. pp. 217–244.

Descendants and synonyms


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