
Aphidinae Latreille, 1802


Aphis Linnaeus, 1758 type genus of Aphidinae Latreille, 1802

Nomenclature (78)

  • Aphidinae Latreille, 1802

    type genus Aphis Linnaeus, 1758

  • Aphidinae Latreille, 1802 in Passerini, 1863: 130, 131.
  • ... Show all ... (74)
  • Aphidinae Latreille, 1802 in Blackman, 2010: 12. Key
  • Aphidinae Latreille, 1802 in Podsiadlowski, 2016: 10.

Nomenclature references (77)

  • Acloque, A. (1897) Faune de France, contenant la description des espèces indigènes disposées en tableaux analytiques et illustrée de figures représentant les types caractéristiques des genres. Librairie J.-B. Baillière et Fils, Paris, Vol. 2, 516 pp. [in French] Available at
  • Agarwala, B.K. & Ghosh, A.K. (1985) Monograph on Oriental Aphidoidea: Key to the genera and synoptic list. Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India, 16(3), 1–118. [in English]
  • ... Show all ... (73)
  • Aizenberg, E.E. (1956) New data on the systematics of aphids (Aphidoidea, Homoptera). Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society, 45, 128–166.
  • Ashmead, W.H. (1889) A generic synopsis of the Aphididae. Entomologica Americana, 5(10-11), 185–189.
  • Baker, A.C. (1920) Generic classification of the hemipterous family Aphididae. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 826, 93 pp.
  • Becker-Migdisova, E.E. & Aizenberg, E.E. (1962) Infraorder Aphidomorpha. In Fundamentals of Paleontology. A Manual for the Paleontologists and Geologists of the USSR. Volume 9. Arthropoda: Tracheata, Chelicerata. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. pp. 194–199.
  • Becker-Migdisova, E.E. & Aizenberg, E.E. (1991) Infraorder Aphidomorpha. In Fundamentals of Paleontology. Volume 9: Arthropoda, Tracheata, Chelicerata. Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, DC. pp. 267–274.
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  • Binazzi, A. (1984) Chiave per le specie afidiche più note delle conifere in Europa. Redia, 67(appendix), 547–571.
  • Blackman, R.L. (2010) Aphids – Aphidina (Macrosiphini). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 2(7), 414 pp.
  • Bodenheimer, F.S. & Swirski, E. (1957) The Aphidoidea of the Middle East. The Weizmann Science Press of Israel, Jerusalem, 378 pp.
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  • Börner, C. (1908) Eine monographische Studie über die Chermiden. Arbeiten aus der Kaiserlichen Biologischen Anstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 6(2), 81–320.
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  • Börner, C. (1944) Aphidoidea. In Fauna von Deutschland: Ein Bestimmungsbuch unserer heimischen Tierwelt. Fifth Edition. Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg. pp. 206–220.
  • Börner, C. (1952) Europae centralis Aphides. Die Blattläuse Mitteleuropas. Namen, Synonyme, Wirtspflanzen, Generationszyklen. In Mitteilungen der Thüringischen Botanischen Gesellschaft: Vol. supplement 3. . . Issue 1, 1–259 pp. [in German]
  • Börner, C.J.B. & Heinze, K. (1957) Aphidina - Aphidoidea Blattläuse, plantlice (aphids), pucerons (aphides). In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten von Prof. Dr. Paul Sorauer. Paul Parey, Berlin. Vol. 5, Issue 4, 402 pp. [in German]
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  • Costa, C.L., Eastop, V.F. & Blackman, R.L. (1993) Brazilian Aphidoidea: I. Key to families, subfamilies and account of the Phylloxeridae. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 28(2), 197–215.
  • Cottier, W. (1953) Aphids of New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin, 106, 382 pp.
  • Del Guercio, G. (1900) Prospetto dell'afidofauna italica. Nuove Relazioni Intorno ai Lavori della R. Stazione di Entomologia Agraria di Firenze, 2, 1–236.
  • Eastop, V.F. & Van Emden, H.F. (1972) The insect material. In Aphid Technology. Academic Press, London. pp. 1–45.
  • Eastop, V.F. (1958) A study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of East Africa. Colonial Research Publications, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 126 pp. [in English]
  • Eastop, V.F. (1961) A Study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of West Africa. The British Museum (Natural History), London, 93 pp. [in English]
  • Eastop, V.F. (1966) A taxonomic study of Australian Aphidoidea (Homoptera). Australian Journal of Zoology, 14, 399–592.
  • Gaumont, L. (1923) Contribution à l'étude des Aphididae de France. Annales des Épiphyties (Paris), 9, 309–346.
  • Guyton, T.L. (1924) A taxonomic, ecologic and economic study of Ohio Aphididae. The Ohio Journal of Science, 24(1), 1–30.
  • Gómez-Menor, J. (1960) "Aphidoidea" de las Islas Canarias. Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 6, 237–316.
  • Gómez-Menor, J. (1963) "Aphidoidea" de las Islas Canarias. Segunda parte. Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos, 9, 519–605.
  • Harrington, R. (1985) A comparison of the external morphology of 'scent plaques' on the hind tibiae of oviparous aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae). Systematic Entomology, 10(2), 135–144.
  • Heie, O.E. & Węgierek, P. (2009) A classification of the Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha) under consideration of the fossil taxa. Redia, 92, 69–77.
  • Heie, O.E. & Węgierek, P. (2009) Diagnoses of the higher taxa of Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Redia, 92, 261–269.
  • Heie, O.E. (1980) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. I. General part. The families Mindaridae, Hormaphididae, Thelaxidae, Anoeciidae, and Pemphigidae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 9, 236 pp.
  • Heie, O.E. (1986) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. III. Family Aphididae: subfamily Pterocommatinae & tribe Aphidini of subfamily Aphidinae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 17, 314 pp.
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  • Nieto Nafría, J.M. & Mier Durante, M.P. (1977) Claves para la identificación de los pulgones (Hom. Aphidinea) de la Macaronesia. In Estudios afidológicos de las Islas Canarias y de la Macaronesia. Excelentísimo Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, Aula de Cultura, Salamanca. pp. 67–91.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M., Mier Durante, M.P. & Remaudière, G. (1997) Les noms des taxa du groupe-famille chez les Aphididae (Hemiptera). Revue Française d’Entomologie, 19(3-4), 77–92.
  • Nüsslin, O. (1905) Leitfaden der Forstinsektenkunde. Paul Parey, Berlin, 454 pp.
  • Oestlund, O.W. (1887) Synopsis of the Aphididae of Minnesota. Bulletin of the Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, 4, 100 pp.
  • Oestlund, O.W. (1919) Contribution to knowledge of the tribes and higher groups of the family Aphididae (Homoptera). Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 17, 46–72.
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  • Oestlund, O.W. (1942) Systema Aphididae. A Guide to the Phylogeny of the Aphids or Plant Lice. Augustana Book Concern, Rock Island, Illinois, USA, 78 pp. [in English]
  • Pashtshenko, N.F. (1988) Suborder Aphidinea–Aphids. In P.A. Lehr (Ed.). Homoptera and Heteroptera. Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the USSR. Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Far East Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vladivostok. Vol. 2, pp. 546–686.
  • Passerini, G. (1863) Aphididae Italicae hucusque observatae. Archivio per la Zoologia, 2(2), 129–212.
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  • Sampson, W.W. (1946) A generic classification of California aphids by means of first instar nymphs. University of California Publications in Entomology, 7(12), 365–402.
  • Sanborn, C.E. (1904) Kansas Aphididae, with catalogue of North American Aphididae, and with host-plant list. Kansas University Science Bulletin, 3(1), 1–82.
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  • Shinji, O. (1941) Monograph of Japanese Aphididae. Shinkyo Sha Shoin, Tokyo, 1215 pp.
  • Stroyan, H.L.G. (1984) Aphids – Pterocommatinae and Aphidinae (Aphidini) Homoptera, Aphididae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 2(6), 232 pp.
  • Swain, A.F. (1919) A synopsis of the Aphididae of California. University of California Publications in Entomology, 3, 221 pp.
  • Takahashi, R. (1921) Aphididae of Formosa Part 1. Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report, 20, 97 pp.
  • Takahashi, R. (1931) Aphididae of Formosa Part 6. Report of the Department of Agriculture Government Research Institute Formosa, 53, 127 pp.
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  • Verma, K.D. & Das, S.M. (1992) In The Aphididae of North West India (With Special Reference to Aphids of Jammu and Kashmir State). S.B. Nangia for Ashish Publishing House, New Dehli, India. 171 pp.
  • Walker, F. (1868) Notes on Aphides. The Zoologist, 3(January), 1048–1053.
  • Zhang, G., Chen, X., Zhong, T. & Li, J. (1999) Aphididae. In Fauna of Agricultural and Forestry Aphids of Northwest, China: Insecta Homoptera Aphidinea. China Environmental Sciences Press, Beijing. pp. 273–508.
  • van der Goot, P. (1913) Zur Systematik der Aphiden. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 56, 69–155.
  • van der Goot, P. (1915) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Holländischen Blattläuse. Eine Morphologisch-Systematische Studie. H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, Haarlem, Netherlands, 600 pp.
  • van der Goot, P. (1917) Zur Kenntnis der Blattläuse Javas. Contributions à la faune des Indes Néerlandaises, 1(3), 1–301.

Descendants and synonyms


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