
Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) Mordvilko, 1914


Aphis [SPECIES NOT SPECIFIED] pisi Kaltenbach, 1843 type species by original designation of Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) Mordvilko, 1914

Nomenclature (143)

  • Acyrthosiphon (Acyrthosiphon) Mordvilko, 1914: 76, 82. (valid)

    type species by original designation Aphis [SPECIES NOT SPECIFIED] pisi Kaltenbach, 1843

  • Tlja Mordvilko, 1914: 73.

    type species by subsequent designation Siphonophora lactucae Passerini, 1860

  • ... Show all ... (139)
  • Acyrshosiphon (unavailable or invalid, linked to Macchiatiella Del Guercio, 1917)
  • Aulacorthum (unavailable or invalid, linked to Acyrthosiphon (Lactucobium) Hille Ris Lambers, 1947)

Nomenclature references (67)

  • Abashidze, A. (1951) Materials for study of the aphid fauna in Georgia. 12(7), 429–436.
  • Agarwala, B.K. & Ghosh, A.K. (1985) Monograph on Oriental Aphidoidea: Key to the genera and synoptic list. 16(3), 1–118.
  • ... Show all ... (63)
  • Aldryhim, Y.N. & Khalil, A.F. (1996) The Aphididae of Saudi Arabia. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 15, 161–195.
  • Baker, A.C. (1920) Generic classification of the hemipterous family Aphididae. Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 826, 93 pp.
  • Blackman, R.L. & Eastop, V.F. (1984) In Aphids on the World's Crops: An Identification and Information Guide. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 466 pp.
  • Blackman, R.L. & Eastop, V.F. (2000) In Aphids on the World's Crops: An Identification and Information Guide. Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 466 pp.
  • Blackman, R.L. (2010) Aphids – Aphidina (Macrosiphini). 2(7), 414 pp.
  • Bodenheimer, F.S. & Swirski, E. (1957) In The Aphidoidea of the Middle East. The Weizmann Science Press of Israel, Jerusalem. 378 pp.
  • Börner, C. & Heinze, K. (1957) Aphidina - Aphidoidea Blattläuse, plantlice (aphids), pucerons (aphides). In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten von Prof. Dr. Paul Sorauer. Paul Parey, Berlin. Vol. 5, Issue 4, 402 pp.
  • Börner, C. & Schilder, F.A. (1931) Aphidoidea, Blattläuse. In Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten Begründet von Paul Sorauer: Vol. Volume 5. Paul Parey, Berlin. Issue 2, pp. 551–715. [1932]
  • Börner, C. (1930) Beiträge zu einem neuen System der Blattläuse. Archiv für klassifikatorische und phylogenetische Entomologie, 1(2), 115–180.
  • Börner, C. (1939) Neue Gattungen und Arten der mitteleuropäischen Aphidenfauna. 6(1), 75–83.
  • Börner, C. (1950) In Neue europäische Blattlausarten. Self-published, Naumberg (Saale). 19 pp.
  • Börner, C. (1952) Europae centralis Aphides. Die Blattläuse Mitteleuropas. Namen, Synonyme, Wirtspflanzen, Generationszyklen: Vol. supplement 3. Issue 1, 1–259 pp. [in German]
  • Del Guercio, G. (1917) Contribuzione alla conoscenza degli afidi. Redia, 12(1-2), 197–277.
  • Eastop, V.F. & Hille Ris Lambers, D. (1976) In Survey of the World’s Aphids. Dr. W. Junk, The Hague. 573 pp.
  • Eastop, V.F. (1958) In A study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of East Africa. Colonial Research Publications, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 126 pp.
  • Eastop, V.F. (1966) A taxonomic study of Australian Aphidoidea (Homoptera). Australian Journal of Zoology, 14, 399–592.
  • Eastop, V.F. (1971) Keys for the identification of Acyrthosiphon (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Entomology), 26(1), 1–115.
  • Foottit, R.G. & Richards, W.R. (1993) The genera of the aphids of Canada. Homoptera: Aphidoidea and Phylloxeroidea. 22, 766 pp.
  • Heie, O.E. (1994) The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. V. Family Aphididae: Part 2 of tribe Macrosiphini of subfamily Aphidinae. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 28, 242 pp.
  • Hille Ris Lambers, D. (1947) Contributions to a monograph of the Aphididae of Europe III. The genera Pharalis Leach, 1826; Microsiphum Chol., 1902; Anthracosiphon nov. gen.; Delphiniobium Mordv., 1914; Corylobium Mordv., 1914; Acyrthosiphon Mordv., 1914; Subacyrthosiphon nov. gen.; Silenobium Börner, 1939; Titanosiphon Nevsky, 1928; Metopolophium Mordv., 1914; Cryptaphis nov. gen.; Rhodobium nov. gen.; Impatientinum Mordv., 1914; Aulacorthum Mordv., 1914. Temminckia, 7, 179–319.
  • Hille Ris Lambers, D. (1953) Contributions to a monograph of the Aphididae of Europe. V. The genera Rhopalosiphoninus Baker, 1920; Eucarazzia Del Guercio, 1921; Rhopalomyzus Mordv., 1921; Chaetosiphon Mordv., 1914; Cryptomyzus Oestl., 1922; Pleotrichophorus Börner, 1930; Capitophorus V. D. Goot, 1913. Temminckia, 9, 1–176.
  • Ilharco, F.A. (1996) A new species of Acyrthosiphon (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) from Daphne gnidium in the Canary Islands and Portugal. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, 46(256), 159–166. [1994]
  • Ivanovskaya, O.I. (1977) Family Aphididae. In Aphids of Western Siberia: Vol. Volume 2. Biological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. 328 pp.
  • Judenko, E. (1930) Data concerning the fauna and the biology of plant lice (Aphididae) from the surroundings of Pulawy. 9(3-4), 129–186.
  • Kadyrbekov, R.K. (2005) Aphids of Acyrthosiphon Mordvilko, 1914 genus (Homoptera, Aphididae, Macrosiphini) from Kazakhstan. Tethys Entomological Research, 11, 5–16.
  • Knowlton, G.F. (1928) Notes on a few species of Macrosiphini (Aphididae) from Utah with descriptions of two new species. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 5, 79–84.
  • Mamontova, V.A. (1963) New data on the aphid fauna (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) of Ukraine. 19, 11–40.
  • Menor y Ortega, J.G. (1963) "Aphidoidea" de las Islas Canarias. Segunda parte. 9, 519–605.
  • Mier Durante, M.P. (1978) In Estudio de la Afidofauna de la Provincia de Zamora. Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Zamora, Zamora, Spain. 226 pp.
  • Millar, I.M. (1990) The aphids (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) of South Africa, an identification guide. 78, 105 pp.
  • Miller, F.W. (1938) Generic checklist of aphids and phylloxera. The American Midland Naturalist, 19, 658–672.
  • Miyazaki, M. (1971) A revision of the tribe Macrosiphini of Japan (Homoptera: Aphididae, Aphidinae). Insecta Matsumurana, 34(1), 1–247.
  • Mordvilko, A.K. (1914) Insectes Hémiptères (Insecta Hemiptera). I. Aphidodea. Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes fondée principalement sur les collectionnes du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Petrograd, Livraison 1, I-CLXIV, 1–236, 1–9.
  • Mordvilko, A.K. (1921) Les pucerons des graminées (Aphidodea), Pars I. 3(3), 1–72.
  • Narzikulov, M.N. & Umarov, S.A. (1969) Aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea) of Tajikistan and adjacent areas of central Asia. Aphidinae Macrosiphonini. 9(2), 229 pp.
  • Nevsky, V.P. (1929) In Aphids of Central Asia. Uzbekistan Plant Protection Experiment Station, Tashkent. Vol. 16, 424 pp.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M. & Mier Durante, M.P. (1977) Claves para la identificación de los pulgones (Hom. Aphidinea) de la Macaronesia. In Estudios afidológicos de las Islas Canarias y de la Macaronesia. Excelentísimo Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, Aula de Cultura, Salamanca. pp. 67–91.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M. (1974) In Aphidinea de la Cordillera Central y Provincia de Salamanca. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Ministerio de Agricultura, Madrid. 168 pp.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M. (1974) Recopilación de las citas de pulgones (Aphidinea) de España. Graellsia, 28(45-102). [in Spanish; Castilian]
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M., Aldea, M. & Castro, M. (2015) A new species of Acyrthosiphon (Hemiptera, Aphididae) from France and Spain. Zootaxa, 3919(2), 335–342.
  • Nieto Nafría, J.M., Favret, C., Akimoto, S.-ichi, Barbagallo, S., Chakrabarti, S., Mier Durante, M.P., Miller, G.L., Qiao, G., Sano, M., Pérez Hidalgo, N., Stekolshchikov, A.V. & Węgierek, P. (2011) Register of genus-group taxa of Aphidoidea. In J.M. Nieto Nafría & C. Favret (Eds.). Registers of Family-Group and Genus-Group Taxa of Aphidoidea (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha). Universidad de León, León. pp. 81–404. [in English, Spanish]
  • Oestlund, O.W. (1923) A synoptical key to the Aphididae of Minnesota. Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota, 19, 114–151. [1922]
  • Pashtshenko, N.F. (1988) Suborder Aphidinea–Aphids. In Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the USSR. Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences, Far East Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vladivostok. Vol. 2, pp. 546–686.
  • Pashtshenko, N.F. (2000) Radiaphis - A new genus of aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae) from the Russian Far East. 79(11), 1294–1304.
  • Pashtshenko, N.F. (2000) Radiaphis, a new aphid genus (Homoptera, Aphididae) from the Russian Far East. Entomological Review, Washington, 80(9), 1170–1180.
  • Remaudière, G. & Remaudière, M. (1997) Catalogue of the World’s Aphididae. INRA, Paris, 473 pp. [in English]
  • Rusanova, V.N. (1942) K poznaiju fauny tlej (Aphidoidea, Homoptera) Azerbaidjana. Trudy Azerb. Gos. Univ. (ser. biol.), 3(1), 11–53.
  • Sathe, T.V. & Jadhav, B.V. (2008) In Indian Pest Aphids. Data Publishing House, New Delhi. 211 pp.
  • Shinji, G.O. (1941) In Monograph of Japanese Aphididae. Shinkyo Sha Shoin, Tokyo. 1215 pp.
  • Shiraki, T. (1952) Systematic list of injurious insects. Number 1-799. In Catalogue of Injurious Insects in Japan (Exclusive of Animal Parasites). Preliminary Study 71. Economic and Scientific Section, Natural Resources Division, General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo. Vol. 2, 128 pp.
  • Smith, C.F. & Cermeli, M. (1979) An annotated list of Aphididae (Homoptera) of the Caribbean Islands and South and Central America. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin, 259, 131 pp.
  • Stroyan, H.L.G. (1955) Recent additions to the British aphid fauna. Part II. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 106(7), 283–340.
  • Takahashi, R. (1931) Aphididae of Formosa Part 6. Report of the Department of Agriculture Government Research Institute Formosa, 53, 127 pp.
  • Takahashi, R. (1938) List of the aphid genera proposed in recent years (Hemiptera). Tenthredo, 2(1), 1–18.
  • Tao, C.C. (1963) Revision of Chinese Macrosiphinae (Aphidae, Homoptera). Plant Protection Bulletin (Taiwan), 5(3), 162–205.
  • Tao, C.C. (1964) Aphid fauna of China. 7, 104–147.
  • Tao, C.C. (1967) Aphid fauna of China. 10, 1–28.
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  • Verma, K.D. & Das, S.M. (1992) In The Aphididae of North West India (With Special Reference to Aphids of Jammu and Kashmir State). S.B. Nangia for Ashish Publishing House, New Dehli, India. 171 pp.
  • Zhang, G., Chen, X., Zhong, T. & Li, J. (1999) Aphididae. In Fauna of Agricultural and Forestry Aphids of Northwest, China: Insecta Homoptera Aphidinea. China Environmental Sciences Press, Beijing. pp. 273–508.
  • Zhang, G., Qiao, G. & Zhong, T. (1999) Aphid-fauna of Fujian Province in China (Homoptera Aphidoidea). In Fauna of Insects in Fujian Province of China: Vol. Volume 2. Fujian Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou. pp. 512–662.
  • van der Goot, P. (1913) Zur Systematik der Aphiden. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 56, 69–155.
  • van der Goot, P. (1915) In Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Holländischen Blattläuse. Eine Morphologisch-Systematische Studie. H.D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon, Haarlem, Netherlands. 600 pp.

Descendants and synonyms


Rank Total Valid Invalid